



Baoji Kehui Titanium Co., Ltd. located in Shaanxi Province, Baoji Titanium City Road , China Nonferrous Metals - Titanium Industry Industrial production base - Baoji Titanium Group across 500 meters distance ; Baoji Municipal Science and Technology Bureau directly under the scientific research institutions in Shaanxi Province Science technology Committee concluded that Branch- business is the production, processing, marketing , trade , research and development in one of the modernization of private enterprises .

Founded in 2010 , has been " quality of survival, service and development " for business purposes, to enthusiastic mental state , pragmatic style of work , the company 's new product research and development , high-tech as the beacon , break a number of new technological challenges , to produce high-tech non-ferrous metal products , exports to the United States, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, Japan, and other countries and regions, products widely used in aerospace , aviation, metallurgy, electronics , petrochemical, military medicine and defense technology companies and so on. After a long five years of development, the growing size of the company , now covers an area of 1300 square meters, fixed assets of 10 million yuan , annual output of 160 tons , the annual output value of 20 million yuan . Has three tons of vacuum furnace , 1 set of 2500 tons hydraulic machine, forging machine 2, vacuum plasma welding box 1, heat , cold machine 1 , CNC lathes , centerless grinding , machining centers a set of , while several of the testing equipment , with high-technology and other high- doctoral education profession five talents , professional and technical personnel 16 .

The company plans to invest two 2000 ten million yuan building rolled plate , rolling tube, bar production line. To improve the company 's production equipment , strong technical strength and economic strength , advanced detection means, the technical performance of the product has been fully guaranteed and efficiency , and in 2011 successfully passed ISO9001-2000 quality management system certification. Enterprise has won the " National Quality Trustworthy Unit", " China Excellent Enterprise Innovation ", " high-tech enterprise in 2011 by the municipal government as" the best development enterprise . " 2011 was Baoji city government as" high-tech industrial Development of advanced units " ." and other awards . "The company's main products are: titanium sponge , titanium ingots, titanium plate, titanium tube, titanium rods, titanium castings , titanium , titanium wire , titanium flange, titanium mesh , titanium standard parts, titanium products , titanium equipment , titanium craft , a variety of non-ferrous metal target block , precious materials, nickel, zirconium , tungsten, molybdenum foil, niobium , tantalum, copper and metal composite materials , according to the needs of our customers request processing , XIECHENG provide users with the most suitable products the enterprise in the future development , will be " first-class talents class management, first-class products , first-class reputation" and make greater contributions to society ; "based Branch -hui , facing the country , to the world " as the goal , to "promote the Branch- spirit , cast Branch- brand " to have any , the full implementation of brand strategy , use the next six years, to create " Branch- pitched brand" concept, welcomes the community to visit our company guidance , Branch- company willing to cooperate with new and old customers and win-win , create brilliant !


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