Out now: DLRmagazine 174

Intelligent robots, air taxis and Venus in the middle of the Atlantic

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MMX – Martian Moons eXploration

With the ‘DLR_Startup Factory’, we are strengthening the support of spin-offs from DLR. Our start-ups bring research results into application and thus onto the market. They provide ideas and drive innovation. With products and services, they generate added value and contribute to solving societal challenges.

Featured topic

Emis­sion-free flight

Where classical technologies reach their limits, quantum technologies open up new possibilities for research, industry and business. New sensors, simulators, communication networks and computers with previously unattainable performance are made possible through the harnessing of quantum mechanical effects.

Featured topic

Maritime research

In the future, there will still be a lot happening on the roads. Whether it is cars and trucks for individual mobility and freight transport or buses and trams as part of local public transport, the demand will remain high and the usage habits strong. For the foreseeable future, road transport will remain the dominant mode of transport.

Featured topic

Road transport – with a future

Wind power is already the second most important energy source in Germany. It makes the largest contribution to electricity generation from renewable resources.

Featured topic

International Space Station ISS

The International Space Station ISS is the largest technology project of all time – humanity's outpost in space. At the same time, it is a orbiting laboratory that provides unprecedented possibilities for scientific and industrial research.

Featured topic

Wind energy research

The objective has now been set in Germany and Europe, with the aim of achieving climate neutrality in the economy and society. This is how it is worded in the EU's 'Green Deal'. The consequences of climate change also compel us to strive towards climate-neutral air transport, as this sector is responsible for 3.5 percent of global warming. New technologies are needed to ensure global mobility in the future.

Featured topic

Quantum technologies – at the limit of what is possible

The two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, are the target of the Japanese exploration mission 'Martian Moons eXploration', MMX for short. DLR and the French space agency CNES are involved with a lander that will explore Phobos on the surface for several weeks.

Innovation & Transfer

DLR_Startup Factory

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are already being applied in various ways – supplying poorly connected areas with medicines, providing disaster relief, in agricultural applications and supporting the transport of manufacturing parts between industrial sites.





DLR at a glance

About DLR

DLR at a glance

DLR is the Federal Republic of Germany's research centre for aeronautics and space. We conduct research and development activities in the fields of aeronautics, space, energy, transport, security and digitalisation. The German Space Agency at DLR plans and implements the national space programme on behalf of the federal government. Two DLR project management agencies oversee funding programmes and support knowledge transfer.

Research & Transfer

Climate, mobility and technology are changing globally. DLR uses the expertise of its 55 research institutes and facilities to develop solutions to these challenges. Our 10,000 employees share a mission – to explore Earth and space and develop technologies for a sustainable future. In doing so, DLR contributes to strengthening Germany's position as a prime location for research and industry.


DLRmagazine 174 (March 2024)

18 years ago began the 'career' of DLRs humanoid roboter Justin, which is now on the cover of DLR Magazine 174. Initially just a torso, Justin now boasts sensory and motor skills that come pretty come close to those of humans. Supported by artificial intelligence, Justin is constantly gaining autonomy. Growing autonomy also plays an important role in other areas. In this issue of the magazine, we present autonomous assistance systems in shipping as well as a concept of unmanned air taxis over Hamburg. Last but not least join us on two captivating research missions in spectacular places: a remote water exploration in the Peruvian Andes and preparations for a Venus mission in Iceland.

Recent blog posts

German Space Operations Center commands small satellite with next-generation software via Cubesat Space Protocol

Imagine sitting in a café on a sunny day, coffee in hand, impatiently waiting for a reply to a message you’ve just sent with your new smartphone. Minutes pass slowly, and the moments of anticipation just seem to stretch out. This everyday experience of waiting for a reply mirrors the tense wait at the German Space Operations Center (GSOC) in Oberpfaffenhofen for a first message from DLR’s PIXL-I Cubesat.

German instrument to study Moon's eternal shadows with private mission

On 22 February 2024, the US 'New Space' company Intuitive Machines became the first private company to land on the Moon with its IM-1 Odysseus mission. The landing site is located around 800 kilometres north of the lunar South Pole, east of the Malapert A crater. According to Intuitive Machines, the landing took place just 1500 metres from the intended landing site, meaning that Odysseus is located in the south of the South Pole-Aitken impact basin which measures over 2000 kilometres in diameter.


15 - 18 April 2024

Transport Research Arena 2024

In 2024, the Transport Research Arena (TRA) will take place in Dublin from 15 – 18 April.

17 - 20 April 2024

AERO Friedrichshafen 2024

AERO is the leading international trade fair for general aviation, business aviation and air sports.

22 - 26 April 2024

Hannover Messe 2024

From 22 to 26 April 2024, Hannover Messe will showcase high-tech and innovative ideas to tackle global industrial challenges.

5 - 9 June 2024

ILA Berlin 2024

ILA Berlin is the largest aerospace trade fair in the EU and will take place this year from 5 to 9 June 2024. It will showcase the future of aerospace with a focus on innovation, new technologies and sustainability as well as the future of climate-neutral flying and new mobility.

Careers and education

DLR jobs – calling all scientists, engineers, trainees and more!

We offer exciting jobs for a wide range of talents. All vacancies and information on how to get started can be found here.

For the next gen­er­a­tion of re­searchers

DLR offers very special opportunities for the next generation of researchers. Students can complete internships at DLR institutes and carry out their degree projects, where they may even have the opportunity to get involved in international programmes.

Opportunities for young scientists

In order to successfully handle research projects in the future as well, DLR offers many interesting opportunities for young people to get informed and even to complete an educational programme at one of DLR's sites.

DLR merchandise

Sozialwerk DLR e.V. presents

Space Shop

DLR´s online shop offers a huge range of textiles, books and many other attractive products on a wide variety of DLR topics. With the proceeds, Sozialwerk DLR e.V. supports people who are in need through no fault of their own. The website is only available in German for the time being.

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