Ways To Use jQuery For Properly Inducing SEO To The Website

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Source: Pexels

Brands and designers are often testing out the new designs to cover the webpage. They are furthermore testing the parallax scrolling, which is not something new these days because of the user friendliness. Despite one clear definition of current parallax scrolling not stating that parallax scrolling is in need to be a single URL, there are others who might say it otherwise.

It is one major fact that most of the newer version of parallax scrolling pages are quite long and might reside on one single URL. The main causes for the SEO, as one single page cannot ensure to carry ranks of so many competitive terms. For sale of SEO based efficacy, the keywords are mostly designed to spread out over so many URLs, which will increase the entire visibility for website through internal link based architecture. After keeping this point in mind, the main question is whether the long scrolling sites can prove to be good for Dental SEO or not.聽

Enriching your knowledge with some results first

iProspect is here and has conducted some tests for determining whether it is actually possible for you to create SEOP friendly page that utilizes parallax scrolling and testing out new methods for longer scrolling pages. The main idea behind this test in here is to create a method which will allow single page with around three various pieces of content, which is to be indexed within Google right under three different URLs. Each URL is designed for each section.

  • The test page in here will have a specified structure to it. It will start with an overview, which will talk about overview of the test. Then there will be the theory, talking about theory of the test, and last is the jQuery engine, where this engine will be briefly described.
  • The main goal over here is to have some of the major URLs indexed to the main page and get quality responses in here. The URLs, to be indexed where actually indexed by Google, and each one of which comes with their own Meta description, meta title and path.
  • If you are here to double chjeck the visibility for every section, a quicker phrase search on the content of every section will work out well for you.

The technical part of it to consider

Right at first, the content has been well created on theory and works of the test. It ensures that every section will have enough content for Google to be deemed interesting in here. It will actually increase the chance on indexation.

  • The primary concept of this page has been well pieced out into major separate sections. One section among the lot will always remain active and will have the content hard coded within HTML.
  • Then you have the other sections, which are considered inactive in nature and will have the content displayed through the idea of jQuery. The main aim over here is to ensure that search engines will get to see that there should not be any duplication on page between so many different URLs.

Simple and promising schema of structure designed for the page

For the current user, jQuery script knows vertical position of browser and it is mainly able to calculate in the section that this position lays on now. While just scrolling over page and the changes section, the scripts will then push UIRL of active section in the address bar of the user and even the browser history.聽

  • It will help the users to actually navigate back and forth through history and that will enhance the UX for in case the users would like to just navigate back upon one return visit in here.

Explaining some of the sections in need of better understanding

This current section of the post will talk about the jQuery source file of one said page and explain what every section actually means or does. This will help you to get a better knowledge of this section to say the least.

The first function is mainly loading content through the current jQuery

This function will mainly talk about whenever the website starts to get load. It is mainly requesting the contents of the current PHP content script just like any script which will be providing content upon request with a proper parameter. It will then push the content right into HTML of the present section.

  • The next function is going to be document ready. This function is mostly fired whenever the page gets loaded. For the ultimate reading ability, the team will took is apart and then will get it discussed section by section for better understanding.
  • This section will talk out the major parameters from the URLs and will then set that as active section. In case, it is hard for you to find any parameter set, it might activate the first section automatically.聽
  • As soon as you get to see when the section becomes active, it will just move page to its proper position so that the section becomes directly visible to visitor, without the visitor having to scroll at all.
  • Whenever the window gets positioned in a right manner, it will eventually go through every section which sits directly on top of the body. There it will test out whether the section remains active or not. Whenever the section proves to be not active, the Load Function is then fired to fill right in the section with some content in it.

Page with normal HTML links

Some pages are known to have normal HTML links.聽 You might not want the visitor to reload page every time that link is likely to get clicked. This little form of scriplet will mainly prevent default action by that link and will takes in with the target location. The slash, located at the beginning of the link is then removed and again window gets positioned to right area. This will help users to use navigation without the need of reloading the page.

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